[UK-CONTEST] QSLs - direct vs LoTW

Dave Sharred g3nkc at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 3 23:44:40 PST 2010

....That's possibly because expeditions could be to IOTA's or Zones.....
LOTW is no good for that...  so if you chased one of those awards, you still
need a paper QSL



-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Chris Tran GM3WOJ
Sent: 04 February 2010 07:27
To: UK-Contest
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] QSLs - direct vs LoTW

Hello all

Roger G3SXW wrote :  'Sorry, most LoTW confirmations happen in addition to
paper cards, not instead of.'

I checked with Steve N3SL about this (he is QSL manager for about 10
callsigns worldwide) and his opinion, without doing a detailed analysis, is
that LoTW has reduced the number of paper QSL requests for 'common' DXCC
entities (e.g. GM) but that there has not been a significant drop in
requests for rarer/DXpedition paper cards.

I guess this is what we would expect...


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