Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 4 16:05:55 PST 2010

--- On Thu, 4/2/10, Paul pasquet <g4rra at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I'm having an antenna change around for the next session,those multipliers that appear and then vanish to go and do something more interesting need somehow to be worked,two more multipliers would have made all the
difference on this session for me, and so I'm formulating a cunning plan in readiness for March.

The Contest Committee appear to have little appetite to remove the advantage much of the south east enjoys with EU squares on their doorstep.
Though doing nothing to encourage greater intra-UK working, a positive alternative change to make things a lot fairer for everyone would be to remove squares as a multiplier completely.  

Though stations within qso range of PA, ON, F, DL and OZ would retain that advantage over everyone else, scores would not be further skewed by the square multiplier if results were purely based on Points Per Km. Positions may not change much, if at all, but the overall impression is a fairer playing field.

An example based on last Tuesday.

Point Per Km

G4RRA  35,383Km 
GI4SNA 30,390Km 
G4DEZ  28,155Km 


G4DEZ  x 29# = 816,495
G4RRA  x 22# = 778,426
GI4SNA x 19# = 588,810

M2 skews the results to favour those who can work the most squares so the further east or south east you are located then the deeper into the continent you can potentially reach and that means picking up square multipliers well out of reach of the rest of the UK.
May the best man win each UKAC based on how he and his station has performed and a fairer measure is the cumulative sum of Kilometres worked.  

73 Ray GM4CXM

PS Bryn G4DEZ would still win a lot of events based on his past PPKm performance so my suggestion isn't aimed at knocking him off his perch but a fairer acknowledgement of excellent performance from whoever, when it is due.


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