[UK-CONTEST] GM4FAM friends 3 for 1 Towers

cris at gm4fam.plus.com cris at gm4fam.plus.com
Sun Feb 14 23:10:58 PST 2010

Cor!  I only posted this as an illustration of how planning situations can
vary from area to area, not to encourage others to do same!

Personally I find many things an eyesore, notably the local council
multi-storey car park which completely defaces an attractive local city

Thank goodness I have moved away from all this planning nonsense and mind
numbing 'No NIMBY' attitude; mind you where I used to live (SE London) I
knew of an amateur (now SK) whose tower had been in the air for so long
that he needed planning permission to take it down ... no doubt that isn't
the case now - plus ca change.

73 Cris

> Ref the 3 for 1 towers   Whoever this authority is, they are out of step
> with planning law. In law the 3 portable towers were illegal   and the
> council enforcement officer should have given notice to remove them within
> 14 days or the council would do so, scrap them, and bill the person
> concerned for removal costs.
>   The scenario you describe is the wrong way to go about getting
> permission
> and had this been attempted in my day enforcement would definitely have
> been Taken as a matter of principle and up holding planning law. The
> person
> and site would have blighted any further chance of a successful
> application.
> Planning law exists to safeguard us all so that we do not have to endure
> eyesores. I repeat all I said in my previous blog.
> Jerry G6LBL
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