[UK-CONTEST] Assistance please

Ian Maude ian at gb7mbc.net
Wed Feb 17 02:41:47 PST 2010

Hi all,
There is a thread currently running on
http://www.radioclassifieds.co.ukregarding there being too many
contests.  It is a well meaning discussion
and some good points being raised on both sides.  However, I seem to be the
only defender in the village :)  If anyone uses RC or wants to grab a
registration and help me, I would be very happy :)  The thread is here...


You will probably not be able to read it without being logged in.

73 Ian

Ian J Maude, G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC & HB9DRV-9 DX Clusters
Member RSGB, GQRP 9838, FISTS 14077 | K3 #455

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