Dave Lawley dave at g4buo.com
Tue Feb 23 10:04:33 PST 2010

You should try calling Ws (or anyone else for that matter!) in a CW 
contest with the callsign GG100RE !

This was the callsign used by Cray Valley RS for TDOTA on the Guides' 
centenary. By 10.30am last Saturday we had both HF stations set up, it 
was too early for 20m but to my great surprise, Ws were quite easily 
workable on 40m with 100w and a dipole.

Interesting to see which ones got that awful callsign first time, and 
which had to ask for repeats....due, no doubt, to QRM or QSB!

Dave G4BUO

G3LZQ John wrote:
> Chris/Clive although not on full time and
> pretty much all S&P...I did note many times
> that many stations CQ'n at a rate of knots
> 30+ could never get my call first time unless
> I sent it at around 20wpm. The slick op's did
> every time even at 35wpm.
> I did wonder if they were using readers and
> not brains to read CW. Another observation
> was weak stations calling CQ rarely had
> multiple callers but loud and spotted were
> often a mess particularly from real W7-land.
> 73
> John G3LZQ

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