Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Feb 25 09:54:09 PST 2010

The UBA Contest takes place from 1300 UTC on Saturday 27th
to 1259 UTC Sunday 28th February.  It is CW-only on the 5
contest bands from 80 - 10m.  There are single and all-band
categories for both HP and LP (100w).

Rules at www.uba.be/sites/default/files/uploads/hf_contests/ubatest_dx.pdf
SDU is the UBA's preferred logger for this contest.

SDU V14.22 supports SO entries and is free from www.ei5di.com.
Note - you should use SDU, not SD.  SDU is dedicated to this

   UK entrants - select SDU Type 2

Exchange Serials.  ON stations add their district code.
You may log the serial and district code in a single
field.  For example 3WV (Enter) will be expanded to
003 WV in their respective fields.

Work everyone - there are extra points for QSOs with ON.

Multipliers include some DXCC countries that are European
Union members, but not in the continent of Europe.

A single QSO with a Belgian station may count as two
multipliers - both prefix and province.

Use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo .LOG file, and send
it to ubacw at uba.be.

Paul EI5DI

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