[UK-CONTEST] Re. CW Speed ertc.

Gordon Brown gordonbrowns at btinternet.com
Sat Feb 27 15:45:07 PST 2010

I have a modest station - 100 W to a dipole - and enter contests because I enjoy them.  I have neither the power nor antenna to get a run going so have to S&P.  If I hear a CW station calling CQ at 45 wpm I reply at the same speed and have to wait ages while he is typing the callsign.  Many of us can send and receive CW at 45 wpm but few can type at that speed so what is the point?
It is the likes of me that allows the big guns to keep a run going.  Having read most of the comments on this thread I will no longer do S&P but simply keep calling CQ and see what QSO rate per hour I can achieve.  And see how much yours is reduced!
Gordon G3MZV

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