[UK-CONTEST] Re. CW Speed ertc.

Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Sun Feb 28 16:57:48 PST 2010

Andy is right that afaik all logging progs. have the " send ahead" 
facility. Of course even using that facility effectively requires that 
you need to be able instantly to fix the callsign in your brain at 
whatever speed you are sending, so that brain lag does not occur. It's 
very nice to be able to use the paddle effectively as we used to do in 
days of yore, but frankly it is inefficient in modern operating, 
requiring the hands to do twice as much work as necessary. Yeah I know, 
I mess things up sometimes and intervention with the paddle is 
invaluable, and hopefully transparent if I am doing things as I should.

But to revert to the original point, fixing the received callsign in 
your brain is imo imperative if you are to achieve very high rates in 
run mode ( assuming you have the signal to support same). There are 
possibly ( at least!) two important factors in achieving this. One is 
incessant practice, viz the 10,000 hour phenomenon, and the other, being 
slightly more esoteric, is rapid cognition as described e.g. by Malcolm 
Gladwell in his book Blink which I highly recommend if you haven't 
already read it. I strongly suspect that all top sportspersons as well 
as e.g. pilots have already travelled this road.



On 28/02/2010 14:03, Andy Cook, G4PIQ wrote:
> Most logging packages allow you to type the start of a call, hit INSERT or
> whatever and carry on typing the rest of the call while the buffer is
> sending out. Sure - if you goof the start of the callsign there needs to be
> a pause and a grab for the paddles is good then.
> 73,
> Andy, G4PIQ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Steve Knowles
> Sent: 28 February 2010 00:26
> To: uk-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Re. CW Speed ertc.
> Well said, Gordon.
> When I'm S&P that long pause annoys me too.  It's very poor operating.  You
> can never be sure whether you need to call again and risk the double or just
> wait it out!
> When I'm running I always use the key, so I can start my reply immediately
> and type in the details at my leisure (that's why God gave me two hands)!
> It's not quite as fast as the computer and of course I make mistakes, but
> I'm pleased when I hear a live op at the other end and I hope they feel the
> same way about me!
> The real problem with running at low power is not being heard, but defending
> your frequency against the numb-nutted multi-kW no-brainers, of which there
> are far too many.  Very difficult, but there are ways!  Even so, a
> surprising amount can be achieved, particularly late-on in a contest when
> the big boys have worked the bands out.
> The important thing, of course, is that you enjoy whatever you do.  And I'm
> sure you do!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gordon Brown"<gordonbrowns at btinternet.com>
> To:<uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2010 11:45 PM
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Re. CW Speed ertc.
> I have a modest station - 100 W to a dipole - and enter contests because I
> enjoy them. I have neither the power nor antenna to get a run going so have
> to S&P. If I hear a CW station calling CQ at 45 wpm I reply at the same
> speed and have to wait ages while he is typing the callsign. Many of us can
> send and receive CW at 45 wpm but few can type at that speed so what is the
> point?
> It is the likes of me that allows the big guns to keep a run going. Having
> read most of the comments on this thread I will no longer do S&P but simply
> keep calling CQ and see what QSO rate per hour I can achieve. And see how
> much yours is reduced!
> 73
> Gordon G3MZV
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