Chris Tran GM3WOJ zl1ct1 at gm7v.com
Tue Jan 5 05:10:32 PST 2010

Hi Roger et al

HNY - Thanks for the QSO in CC CW - I worked 128 stations but if this 
contest was only 15 minutes long I would do proportionally better - 40 Qs in 
first 15 mins.

>From my experience, I would check that the home-made interface is capable of 
correctly keying the radio - some radios need a 'hard' earth on the CW 
keying line and/or PTT line to switch properly onto transmit - they only 
partially go to transmit with the +0.6V DC threshold of a transistor switch. 
Also, check that the NPN output transistor in the interface is biased fully 

Chris    GM3WOJ

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