Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Sun Jan 10 18:19:30 PST 2010

Remembered at 11.00 that I was fresh out of butane, with the shack 
temperature hovering around 3C.  Having just returned from a Far East 
break this took some acclimatisation!  After 3 hours with the rig left 
on it had reached nearly 6C, so apologies for the progressively worse 
and more frequent keying errors!  Writing hand also cramped up by 1700, 
by which time the UK south of GM had all but disappeared anyway - 
earlier than expected. 

It appeared easier than usual this year to find a clear channel at the 
start and I was seduced into sticking with 3524 until 1730, instead of 
having my usual poke around after the first hour.  Perhaps some 
subscribers to this forum have taken note of the recent "warming up" 
thread!  This strategy was quite fortuitous because the major runners 
were still just about workable until the end, whereas some marginal 
callers would have become a struggle by that time.  Noise level was very 
low throughout and everyone was really easy to copy before the band 
faded.  So, overall an enjoyable event.  Finished on 289 (better I think 
than in recent yars), but there will be some dupes for sure when the log 
is keyed in. 

Thanks to all for the QSOs!

73, Peter G3LET

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