[UK-CONTEST] OT: Military Radio Acronyms

Andy Swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Fri Jan 15 01:43:43 PST 2010

>>> On 14/01/2010 at 21:47, in message <4B4F90FD.6010709 at g0fhm.net>, James Hill
<jrh at g0fhm.net> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Some of you may have been watching "Most Haunted Live" on TV this week, 
> from the former RAF station at West Raynham, in Norfolk.

Nope, never heard of it.   Having just looked it up I'm not sad either, each to his own though.

> I have volunteered myself as a CW "decoder" for them. I had a phonecall 
> from the production team earlier, and I have been invited tomorrow night.
> I could really do with somebody that has knowledge of Military radio 
> acronyms (RAF particularly).
> Last night, they kept getting SAD come through, which translated to 
> "Security And Discipline".

I think you mean 

http://www.tivertonacf.btik.com/attachments/Voice_Procedure_1.pdf  or

> I'm sure that the Q codes werent about at the time of WWII, so if 
> somebody can come up with a list that I could refer to, I'd appreciate it!

You are kidding!  According to good old Wikipedia they first came into being in 1909:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_code,   but the way they were originally used was rather different to the way they are now by amateurs.   In aviation there things like QDM are still used as well as the obvious QNH/QFE.   

I'm not quite sure what other acronyms you're looking for, or in what context.


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