[UK-CONTEST] BERU multi-op entries?

Gerry Lynch gerrylynch at freenetname.co.uk
Sun Jan 17 12:42:26 PST 2010

Callum MØMCX wrote:
> Actually, there's little scope for simple multi-op entries. As soon  
> you have more than one op, you're straight into multi-1 which requires  
> huge investment to even enjoy it. The russian dx contest has the MOST  
> (multi op single tx) category which the CQ contests don't. Not sure of  
> power requirememts but at least it plays better into the smaller fun  
> teams.
> Alex, Russian is week before WPX and is only 24 hours. We might have a  
> bash at MOST.. See you there!

Not true as of this year - WPX multi-single is now what some people call 
'true' multi-single.  A pity, as I think multi-single with a mult 
station is the most skillful type of multi-op contesting.  But there we 
go - Alex can have a bash in M/S as he sees fit.

In BERU, I would just enter M/S 24 hours and not worry too much if your 
short for operators in the wee hours - you won't work much anyway; but 
make sure you're back on at 0600!


Gerry GI0RTN

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