[UK-CONTEST] Fw: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW CC Update
Roger G3SXW
g3sxw at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 19 01:16:32 PST 2010
Thank you, Peter. No, the CQWW Committee handles only the major SSB and CW
contests. Other CQ contests (WPX, CQ160, RTTY etc) are handled by different
Good luck in the contest, old man!
73 de Roger/G3SXW.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Hobbs" <peter at tilgate.co.uk>
To: "Roger G3SXW" <g3sxw at btinternet.com>
Cc: "UK-Contest" <UK-Contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Fw: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW CC Update
> Roger
> Very much continuing the move in the right direction, which I'm sure will
> be widely welcomed. Do you know if CQ160 is handled by the same policy
> group or are they entirely separate?
> 73, Peter G3LET
> Roger G3SXW wrote:
>>Dear UK-Contest,
>>This appeared on the cq-contest reflector today.
>>73 de Roger/G3SXW.
>>*CQ WW Update *
>>*January 18, 2010*
>>The 2009 CQ WW contests were a great success. This success is largely
>>because of your participation. With over 11,800 logs received, the CQ WW
>>Contest Committee (CQ WW CC) looks forward to the challenge of
>>these entries into results. As part of our desire to be as open as
>>possible, we are contacting you at this time to bring several new topics
>>your attention.
>>1. The CQ WW CC has appointed Gene, W3ZZ to be its Information
>>Officer. Gene will provide regular updates with ongoing bulletins. As in
>>the past, if an individual contester has a question, he/she can still
>>contact us via questions at cqww.com.
>>2. In recent days, there has been significant discussion regarding
>>current activities within the CQ WW CC, particularly as they relate to
>>combining the SOAB and SOAB Assisted categories. The CQ WW CC considers
>>topics. We revisit some issues on a periodic basis. One of those issues is
>>the use of packet and other technologies which can aid an operator. The CQ
>>WW CC has indeed been discussing the impact of packet on the SO category.
>>This should not be surprising to anyone. In fact, most contest sponsors
>>doing the same thing; many have already made their decision and combined
>>two groups into one. A very thoughtful and detailed discussion has
>>on our reflector involving about 35 well known and experienced
>>contesters. More
>>than a week ago, it was clear the direction we were going to take. We
>>going to support the need for a category relying just on human talents.
>>other words, not only do we continue to totally support SO and SOA being
>>separate, we intend to move towards strengthening the SO category.
>>3. The CQ WW CC will continue to implement ways to ensure fair
>>contesting. A recent example was the observer program, which ultimately
>>became another tool that can be used to confirm and effect increased
>>operating. The impact of this initiative, along with many other recent
>>actions, resulted in numerous stations stepping up and admitting guilt in
>>variety of operating areas. The contest is better off as a result. It is
>>only with your help in promoting fair play that we can change long
>>behaviors. We welcome any entrant who changes. Another important subject
>>being discussed in the CQ WW CC at this time is improved checking
>>techniques, which are proving to be very effective against the very few
>>apples” who decide to violate the rules.
>>Finally, many recent comments made about the CQWW CC's activities are
>>not based on the facts. The reality is that we don't operate in a
>>smoke-filled room debating substantive issues about contesting in between
>>sips of Scotch. We are a group of committed contesters that care about the
>>sport and want to do the right thing. This includes getting your opinion
>>the right subjects and at the right time. You always have a means to
>>the CQWW CC via questions at cqww.com with your ideas.
>> Cu in the contest!
>>73, Bob, K3EST
>>CQ WW Director
>>UK-Contest mailing list
>>UK-Contest at contesting.com
> --
> Peter Hobbs
> Business Area Manager, Communications
> Drumgrange Ltd.
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