[UK-CONTEST] Generators
Ken Eastty
ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com
Fri Jul 30 14:24:35 PDT 2010
Any activity from the SW will be very welcomed on 4m!
If as you say your station will be relatively modest do you really
need a 2.5 - 3kW Genny?
One aspect to consider is the weight of the unit, unless you have
assistance (or into weightlifting) a genny of this capacity might be
difficult to lift in & out of the back of a Landy.
If you run all 12v equipment then a smaller genny charging the vehicle
battery might be an easier solution. You might also be able to run a
bigger amplifier from a 12 - 230V inverter but this is something which
I've not tried.
> Having just got G4FJK back on the air again, I'm planning to get out
> /Portable on 50& 70MHz in the South West.
> The station will be relatively modest, working out of the back of a Land
> Rover.
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