[UK-CONTEST] Dyslexia and Phonetics CW WW SSB report
David G3YYD
g3yyd at btinternet.com
Sat Jun 5 07:13:03 PDT 2010
My results for far end errors on the callsign:
G was 1 error I became KG3YYD, probably finger trouble or post contest
3 was 5 errors all as 4 although adjacent on keyboard I am not taking
the, as typos
Y was one error as G may be keyboard typo as letters adjacent
Y was 3 errors 2 as YDD happens all the time some people don't listen,
another as T the latter finger trouble? T is adjacent to Y
D was 1 as C which is also adjacent to D
Overall I think the phonetics I used were effective as 943 QSOs after
adjudication indicated a receive failure rate of 11 characters out of
4715 characters (943*5 chars in my call) or 0.23% If I remove probable
typos as being I communicated OK and was heard OK but typed incorrectly
then rate is 7 in 4715 or 0.15%. If I assume all the 4s were typos then
it becomes 0.04%.
I also had two completely correct QSOs in that listing. When I looked at
the far ends log they had recorded the QSO correct it was just they also
thought they had worked me earlier on the same band but were not in my
log. The contest adjudication software obviously does not look for a
second QSO which is the real one so I guess we both lost points on that
one. I have sent an email on the subject as I do not think the rules had
penalties for such a situation.
Near end (i.e. myself) error letters in a callsign, all single occurrences:
1 as 3; 3 as 4; 5 as 6; 8 as 3; I as A; N as M; O as S; R as M; ;
and a missing letter P. Seems to be random but 3/4, 5/6 and N/M could be
typo as adjacent on keyboard.
73 David G3YYD
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