[UK-CONTEST] Gin Poles

Dave Lawley dave at g4buo.com
Tue Jun 22 14:27:37 PDT 2010

Chris's mention of Barenco (same as Jaybeam?) couplers leads me to say 
that it is utter madness for someone to stand 'at the base of the mast' 
- I have seen pictures of a mast being raised with a gin pole, with 
someone at the base. If a coupler fails or even if a side guy gets over 
tight, that is an extremely dangerous place to be. You could easily be 
killed or badly injured. There is no need to be there, the joint between 
the mast and gin pole will dig into the ground.

I always refuse to raise a mast until everyone is outside the circle of 
the guys. It just isn't worth the risk. And yes, I have seen a coupler 
fail in this situation. It was a Jaybeam one, with that stupid 
indentation which weakens the coupler considerably. The thing tore in 
half. One fix to prevent this problem is to weld a spine along the 
length of the coupler, but this is still no reason for anyone to risk 
their life by standing at the base. Just think about the forces acting 
on that point.

Dave G4BUO

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