Ian Pawson ian at pawson.f2s.com
Sat Jun 26 08:20:08 PDT 2010

Apologies if two copies of this message appear - I sent the first copy 
several hours ago and it has not reappeared yet!

Adjudicator, RSGB Contest Committee
mailto:g0fct at rsgbcc.org


VHF NFD 2010 takes place on the 3rd & 4th July.  The rules are available at:

http://www.rsgbcc.org/vhf/rules/10rules/frameindex.html  (select VHF
National Field Day in the left hand frame)

Site Registrations must be submitted by 28th June via the entry robot at:

www.rsgbcc.org, select "VHF Log Upload" tab, select "VHF NFD
Registration" from the pull down list, complete and submit the form

If you need to change your registration details at any time up to the
start of VHF NFD, please submit another form using the same call sign
you used in the original registration - the new form will overwrite the
original form.

Entrants to the FS Sweepers section can find a list of registered
stations at:


Finally, stations operating on 4m are reminded that the power limits are
(measured at the output of the transmitter):

Open section: Maximum output power as permitted by standard licence

Restricted section: 40W output maximum

Low Power Section: 10W output maximum

Good luck to all entrants,

Adjudicator, RSGB Contest Committee
mailto:g0fct at rsgbcc.org

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