[UK-CONTEST] Individual Short Contest Callsigns

Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Wed Mar 3 07:26:46 PST 2010

 From what I read here, there is substantial agreement on the current 
concept, the main concern being the notional hill to climb to meet the 
"performance" criteria (see para 2 below).  I personally congratulate 
Colin for all the hard and thankless work that has gone into this 

However consider:

(a) the entry section to be compared has not been specified.  It doesn't 
have to be the world multi-multis (HC8N).  It could be SO Europe, or 
even UK and in low power / QRP sections.  Dave 'YMC will easily qualify 
on this basis! 

(b) the HFCC will effectively recommend how the sections are to be 
interpreted and hence whether or not an individual applicant has met the 
criteria.  They seem an entirely reasonable lot.

Sounds like a jolly good deal to me.

73, Peter G3LET

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