[UK-CONTEST] Individual Short Contest Callsigns - slightly ot

tom wylie thomaswylie at sky.com
Wed Mar 3 08:36:01 PST 2010

I am not bothering with taking out a short Contest Call.

Everybody knows me as GM4FDM - OK so its a little longer but people I 
know who are not taking part in a Contest will call me because they 
recognise my call.

Will they still recognise me as GM5Y or GM8T or GM1B  I doubt it.

I dont take part in Contests now as regularly as I did as I have lost 
the enthusiasm.   Couple of weeks ago I found condx great in the ARRL 
CW, but after working 200 or so Ws, I got fed up and quit.

I'd only be interested in changing my call if the change were permanent 
and NOT only for Contesting.

(Mr Grumpy)

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