[UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth Contest News

Prasad vu2ptt at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 21:33:07 PST 2010


The following represent TEAM ASIA for BERU (in alphabetical order of call

1.  5B4AGN Bob
2.  9M6XRO John
3.  VQ9LA Larry
4.  VU2BGS Kumar
5.  VU2CDP Deepak
6.  VU2PAI Pai
7.  VU2PTT Prasad
8.  VU2RMS Ramesh
9.  VU2TS Ganesh
10. VU2UR Arasu

The HQ station from VU2 will be VU2MTT Mur who will be on all bands if he
can get something up on 80m.

Good luck all and we hope to give out a lot of QSOs :)

73 de Prasad VU2PTT

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Peter Hobbs <peter at tilgate.co.uk> wrote:

> A note to all BERU devotees - while Bob G3PJT is sunning himself in J6
> (from tomorrow!), please forward any BERU news and updates to the
> Commonwealth Contest Teams (medals once again sponsored by Paul EI5DI), to
> me at peter at tilgate.co.uk, where they will be temporarily linked from
> Bob's BERU page to www.tilgate.co.uk.
> Regulars will be disappointed to hear that Roger VE3ZI (G3RBP) is unlikely
> to be able to join us in BERU this year due to recent surgery and I'm sure
> you will all join me in wishing him a full and speedy recovery.
> CU all in BERU 2010!
> 73, Peter G3LET
> Team Competition Umpire

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