[UK-CONTEST] A Weird Dressler D 200 S Linear Amp Problem

Alex GM3ZBE alex at gm3zbe.plus.com
Wed Mar 17 01:53:13 PDT 2010

Erm...........It's not April 1st yet is it ?  :-)

Will M0GYZ wrote:
> Hi All
> Got a weird one for you.
> I have Dressler D200S VHF Linear Amp which was given to me for contesting.
> There has always been a strange problem which i originally thought was a 
> sticky relay
> However after a while of looking at it. Its as if the amp wont Transmit 
> without it being on a really flat surface which caused problems for me 
> at the recent 144/432mhz contest
> I can't figure out why it would require such a dead flat surface before 
> the needle moves and im putting power out.
> It was working ok apart from this at home as i was putting out 120w with 
> 5w drive provided I found the right spot for it but when i took it out 
> to the contest it just didn't want to Transmit at all and when it did 
> the power just decreased over 3-10 seconds and I couldn't get 120w out 
> of it max.
> My thoughts are thats it might be a dry joint but the guy who had it 
> before me didn't ever report it had a problem but unforuntly he died a 
> couple of years ago.
> So it only Transmits when its in a spot it likes after moving around my 
> windowsill
> So any thoughts  ?
> Thanks
> Will M0GYZ

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