[UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth Contest 2010

G3ZQH g3zqh.dave at ntlworld.com
Wed Mar 17 14:29:37 PDT 2010

Put me down as a supporter the 12 hour section of the contest. 

To make any contest successful you need a mixture of the real competitors
who are out to win, the enthusiasts who like a challenge but may have
limited time/facilities and the more casual participants. The 12 hour
section encourages the second group- I suspect actually quite a large
proportion of those who take part and who read this reflector. It is not
just a cop-out section since it does involve skill in choosing time in/out.

Certainly, I found the contest a real challenge but I had fun and worked
hard for my 161 QSOs (especially with my limited CW skills), plus I beat my
personal target of 150 QSOs (compared with 102 last year). It's these more
modest personal targets which motivate me and lots of like-minded
contesters. Like a few others I found the VKs on 10m on Sunday morning-
notable since I've missed the last two sunspot peaks and my last VK on 10m
was more than 30 years ago!

So please keep the 12 hour section and the excellent RSGB 'restricted'
section which give those of us with 100W and wires a chance to compete.

Dave, G3ZQH


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