Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Fri Mar 19 00:22:54 PDT 2010

On 19 Mar 2010 at 5:40, Colin Wilson wrote:

> just letting you know that I have updated the online log at the www
> below but not sure its working properly!  Let me know if you can find
> your QSO's okay or if there is a problem pleaase, very bad Broadband
> connection at this end.

Seems to be working, it shows my one QSO during the Commonwealth 
contest, thanks Colin.

I would comment though that it is not normal in online log checkers to 
show all the QSO data, it is normally limited to saying what band there 
is a QSO and things like date and time are specifically not given so 
you still have to state these when you claim a QSL.

73 Dave G3YMC


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