[UK-CONTEST] IARU contest URE Report
Peter Hobbs
peter at tilgate.co.uk
Sun May 2 04:57:07 PDT 2010
Unfortunately, IARU and ARRL are both pretty ponderous organisations and
unlikely to react without the protection of the "democratic process"
which has so clearly failed. In other fields, "direct action" has been
shown to have a better chance of achieving a desired result, but
representations alone, by individuals from a couple of the losing
parties, even with the sort of evidence accumulated by URE, may not do
the job.
I understand from comments here in the past that GB7HQ doesn't formally
enter on behalf of RSGB and so any sort of formal representation by them
is unlikely. In any event, few National Societies would be too keen to
get involved in direct or implied criticism of one of their number.
So, unless we see (as a minimum) the imminent disqualification of DA0HQ
from the 2009 event, what are the chances of achieving a boycot of HQ
station entries in the 2010 IARU HF World Championship? It would likely
have to include several of the leading entrants to be effective. As a
start, would GB7HQ give a lead?
73, Peter G3LET
Bob Henderson wrote:
>I find myself agreeing with you 100% Paul. Should I feel nervous about
>this. ;-)
>The evidence put forward by URE appears overwhelming. There can be little
>doubt that honourable German contesters will feel both outrage and
>embarrassment at these revelations. So too, no doubt, many non contesting
>members of DARC.
>A shake-up is seriously overdue. The HQ aspect of this high profile IARU
>event has long encouraged the antithesis of good contest ethics and
>practice. That an event run under the banner of the International Amateur
>Radio Union should become a showcase for contesting malpractice is
>particularly regrettable.
>1. The DARC, DA0HQ entry in 2009 IARU HF World Championship should be
>disqualified. Anything less will surely endorse breach of contest rules and
>licence regulations on an industrial scale.
>2. The leadership of DARC should impose sanctions upon those responsible.
>Serious damage has been done to the reputation of DARC and that of German
>amateurs at large.
>3. IARU HF World Championship rules should be amended forthwith, such that
>contacts made between HQ stations and others located in their territory
>attract zero points.
>Item 3 above, could substantially remove all motivation to the continuation
>of such malpractice at a stroke.
>I feel sure many will be looking to IARU and DARC for a demonstration of
>leadership with integrity.
>Bob, 5B4AGN
>On 2 May 2010 08:32, Paul O'Kane <pokane at ei5di.com> wrote:
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Nigel G3TXF" <nigel at G3TXF.com>
>>>it's the ARRL that has argued that this would
>>>make this (summertime = not much DX about) contest
>>>uninteresting for USA stations who could not then work
>>>each other.
>>The solution was suggested already. Allow own-country
>>QSOs, but not with the IARU HQ station representing your
>>country (or geographic area).
>>>Hopefully the current outburst by URE
>>I'd call it a revelation, not an outburst - and very
>>>... whereas more diplomatic approaches by GB7HQ and
>>>others over the past years have failed to get the IARU
>>>scoring system changed.
>>Try the undiplomatic approach. Contact Dave K1ZZ
>>directly, kizz at arrl.net. He is a keen contester,
>>CEO of ARRL, and a former secretary of IARU.
>>Tell him that DARC, and the current IARU HF Championship
>>rules, are bringing the IARU and amateur radio into
>>disrepute, and ask him to get the rules changed now - to
>>take effect in the 2010 event.
>>Paul EI5DI
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