[UK-CONTEST] Operating from Funchal

Mike Harris mike.harris at cwimail.fk
Tue Nov 2 14:22:33 PDT 2010


Well CT9/G0TSM was a genuine S7 with me on 15M the day before the 
contest.  Spent a month there a three years ago, the view from the 
top of the mountain mainly restricted by looking down on the clouds 
but there was one location, second highest peak, that had a 
seemingly abandoned building complete with useful looking tower.

When 10M is open to CT3 I usually hear CS3B at 0.1W


Mike VP8NO

Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Operating from Funchal

> Ha! Been there & done that but not on a contest weekend.
> Having operated whilst on holiday over recent years in EA, EA6, 
> EA8, CT
> & 5B using my IC706 & a simple short vertical the only time that 
> I've
> given it up as a waste of time was from Funchal in 2008. Then I 
> made
> only 5 QSO's on 20m & none on the other bands. I guess that the 
> mountain
> of Pico Ruivo which rises to over 6000ft effectively cuts off 
> signals
> over a wide arc to the north. 

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