[UK-CONTEST] Contest end time - a consensus please.

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed Nov 3 01:13:13 PDT 2010

On 03/11/2010 00:58, Roger Thawley wrote:

> The view I take regarding contest timing is that I start and finish
> according to the time shown by the equipment I have.

This is the "I'm special" argument.  Because I don't
have the will or the means to set the correct time,
I can bend the rules to suit my circumstances.

> In the end, this is just a hobby!

All competitive hobbies have rules.  We do not have
the right to claim credit for QSOs completed (logged)
after the end of the contest, even when the QSO was
started before the finishing time.

Paul EI5DI

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