john reynolds g3rsd at btinternet.com
Thu Nov 4 07:52:50 PDT 2010

I usually "dabble" in this event ,not too seriously though ,my wife complains bitterly about hearing me all over the house.........I know , should go out to the garage for SSB events.

What I particularly enjoy is working the stateside stns on 40 and 80 using split frequency wkg and this is usually succesful when using 100w to poor antennas.

This year the stateside stns were above 7.200 and easily workable using split frequencies. I also noticed some Central and Eastern EU were also calling above 7.200.

Are they permitted to operate  above 7.200?

May I also voice my plea for the 21/28 Test to be retained, condx on 21 have improved greatly

John G3RSD 

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