[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 1.8 MHz CW Contest Exhange: logging problem

Chris G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sun Nov 21 04:16:07 PST 2010

Hi Rolf, I have been entering these events for maybe 35 to 40 years and the exchange has always been RST + serial number + an area code. The code was 
changed about 15 years ago when the old counties changed and became unitary authorities. There was too many of them to make scoring realistic so we 
changed to the Post Code system. Instead of the old 3 letter county designator, ie BKS for Berkshire, the first 2 letters of a postcode are now sent, 
eg for me it is NG.

See here   http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/information/districtcodes.shtml

73 Chris G3SJJ

On 21/11/2010 11:51, Rolf Salme, SM5MX wrote:
> Good morning,
> Some years ago, I have enjoyed taking part in the RSGB 1.8MHz CW Contest, and I had planned to give it another try yesterday evening.
> However, my log program TR4W could not accomodate the present contest exchange which was sent by the UK stations, i.e. RST+serial number&  district code; I got the error message, "Improper domestic QTH". I did try some reprogramming of the setttings, alas to no avail.
> As this is obviously a shortcoming of my logging software (or myself), I should like to inform the people behind TR4W about when the UK exchange message was changed from the previous format "RST+district code" to its present "RST + serial number&district code". Was it long ago?
> I will not send in any contest log this time, since I felt unenthusiastic about returning to logging on paper.
> 73,
> Rolf
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