[UK-CONTEST] Where are the G0s ?

Dave Lawley dave at g4buo.com
Sun Nov 21 12:43:52 PST 2010

> Overall, UK entries might be up on previous years (I have not checked) with 
> quite a few of the new individual SCCs being activated.  The UK turnout is 
> poor however, when compared with e.g. DL.
Yes that's true, but interestingly if you look at the country breakdown 
in K3LR's 3830 score report, they worked almost as many UK stations as 
DL, and our totals are above all other EU countries.

So, if you're a UK contester and you made some QSOs in CQWW, no matter 
if it was only a handful, send in your log! It's easy these days with 
computer logging and email submission.

Dave G4BUO

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