Thomas Cannon tom.g0vqr at ntlworld.com
Mon Nov 29 14:03:22 PST 2010

Fantastic score for QRP Barry, how many hours were you on ?

I operated the M4T station.

Only 15m this year. 16 hours on, 528 QSO's, 66 countries, 19 zones with 
90,865 points.

Rig - FT2000, Amp - Acom 1000, 400 watts into a trapped dipole.

I managed to catch the grey line this year to the USA, it was  great being 
called 2 -3 times a minute by  US station's, then at 1710 it turned off and 
you could only hear EU and the occasional South American station.
It is interesting to see how propagation changes during the day to the 
different parts of the world in the single band entry.

Great fun,

work you all in the next contest.

Tom G0VQR / M4T Reading and District ARC Contest Call

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "GM3YEH" <gm3yeh at googlemail.com>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 8:57 PM

> I've never been much of a QRP fan, but I decided to give it a go for the
> 2010 RSGB 80m sprint series and was astonished with the results.  This
> encouraged me to think about a QRP effort for this year's CQWW CW.  I only
> use wire antennas and can just get one up in my garden at a time so I
> decided on something with a bit of gain for a single band 40m entry.  A 
> half
> square was decided on with main lobes towards the east and west. I got it 
> up
> and tested just before the snow started.  One of the most impressive 
> things
> I noticed over the weekend was the high proportion of Ws who managed to 
> copy
> my tiny wee 5W signal on the first call - lots of those guys have really
> great ears.  A lot of time was spent on repeats and my callsign was
> regularly mis-copied as GM3YES - which is a real pain in the neck after 
> the
> other guy gives his TU and I need to call him again with the correction.
> Although I probably wouldn't be patient enough to use QRP all the time, it
> was a nice change - especially getting into VK!  I didn't work GM or GI.
> Points     - 127,568
> QSOs     -  721
> Zones     -  21
> Countries - 91
> 73 de Barry GM3YEH.
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