[UK-CONTEST] Great Circle DX Map

Mike Harris mike.harris at cwimail.fk
Wed Oct 20 06:00:41 PDT 2010


Also of a certain age.  Seeing we are on a nostalgia trip I've got a 
great circle map centred on the Falkland Islands:

Prepared in the Radio Branch, E-in-C's Office, GPO.  Hand drafted in 
June 1945.  Indian ink I guess.  Framed and hanging in the passage 
out of direct sunlight.  Relocated from my office when we migrated 
from HF links to SatCom in late 1983.

Apart from decoration I would have thought that current logging apps 
and similar would provide all the info required and maps without a 
large printed map.  I do nevertheless have an A4 size printed map 
(laminated) produced by GMCWin somewhere but seldom look at it 
having built up a mental database of beam headings for various 
global locations over years of DXing.


Mike VP8NO 

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