[UK-CONTEST] Remote stuff

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Sep 9 09:40:00 PDT 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger G3SXW" <g3sxw at btinternet.com>

> I see no problem with the core concept: it matters not
> where the operator is sitting, whether in the room, or
> upstairs on Wi-Fi, or 10,000 miles away.

For the purposes of award chasing and contesting,
the locatation of the operator does matter.  To
suggest otherwise flies in the face of logic, and
reduces amateur-radio QSOs to the level of Skype

This has been acknowledged by the IOTA Contest
organisers; the relevant rule is simple, concise
and unambiguous.

"All equipment (transmitters, receivers and antennas)
plus all operators must be located within a 500m
diameter circle or within the property limits of the
station licensee’s address, whichever is the greater".

I look forward to CQWW introducing this rule, and
leaving the "remote" nonsense to its Extreme (non-
amateur radio) category.

Paul EI5DI

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