[UK-CONTEST] Remote stuff

Stewart GM4AFF stewart at gm4aff.net
Thu Sep 9 14:28:04 PDT 2010

Hi Roger! You said:

>The problem comes in with remote receiving locations: a W2 listening in W7, a UA0 listening in UA2 or even a Cornwall station listening in Shetlands . . . . can gain huge advantage.

Believe me, there is no advantage listening in the Shetlands over Cornwall!!


-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Roger G3SXW
Sent: 09 September 2010 16:53
To: CDXC at yahoogroups.com
Cc: UK Contest Reflector
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Remote stuff

I see no problem with the core concept: it matters not where the operator is sitting, whether in the room, or upstairs on Wi-Fi, or 10,000 miles away. But surely for contest and award purposes all transmitters, receivers & antennas must be in the same location. That is 'The QTH' and must be appropriately licensed etc.

The problem comes in with remote receiving locations: a W2 listening in W7, a UA0 listening in UA2 or even a Cornwall station listening in Shetlands . . . . can gain huge advantage.  For 'normal' operation in CQWW contest rule 7 states: An entrant’s remote station is determined by the physical location of the transmitters, receivers, and antennas. A remote station must obey all station and category limitations of Rule III.

Rule III includes this: 3. All transmitters and receivers used by the entrant must be located within a single 500-meter diameter circle or within the property limits of the station licensee’s address, whichever is greater. 4. All antennas used by the entrant must be physically connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant.

So as to encourage technological developments CQWW has also introduced the 'Xtreme' category for entrants who do not wish to be restricted by these rules. See:

(please forgive the cross-posting to CDXC and UK-Contest)
73 de Roger/G3SXW.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rsoifer at aol.com 
  To: aquest1263 at btinternet.com ; CDXC at yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:42 PM
  Subject: Re: [CDXC] Remote stuff

  Hi all,

  Perhaps a bit of history may be helpful in putting things into context.

  When I began chasing DX in the 1950s, remote operation wasn't really an 
  issue but hams did move around as they do today. So, DXCC had a rule that in 
  order to "feed" one DXCC, all operation must take place within a circle of 
  (as I now recall) 150 miles radius. If you moved outside that circle, you 
  had to start over, even though you were still in the same entity. 

  By the 1970s, FCC had changed its rules so that W2RS no longer had to be 
  located in New York or New Jersey. It could be anywhere in the USA and 
  still sign W2RS, not W2RS/7 or whatever. Given that, it was no longer 
  administratively feasible for ARRL to maintain the circle rule, so the DXCC rule 
  was changed to require only that operation take place from within the same 
  DXCC entity. 

  The current rule about remote operation, as described by Colin, is 
  consistent with that rule. So, it matters not, for DXCC, whether W2RS moves QTH 
  from New Jersey to Arizona (as I did) or merely sets up a remote station 
  there. Nor, logically, should it.


  Ray W2RS

  In a message dated 9/9/2010 1:34:52 P.M. GMT Standard Time, 
  aquest1263 at btinternet.com writes:

  Hello again, Colin !

  I agree with every word you say, as usual, but :-

  My Thai licence permits me to operate from any
  station in HS which has a station licence, using my
  own HS call. I don't think the question of my physical
  presence is specifically addressed in the licence. It may or may not be,
  in different entities around the world.

  I'll have a word with my Thai friends; next time you hear me on
  the air from there, better interrupt the pile-up and ask me if I am
  actually just down the road from the "Flying Pizza".

  The temperature and humidity wuld certainly be more bearable,
  but I would really think that I was cheating.

  DXCC is irrelevant. Nobody still needs HS !

  Just a personal viewpoint.

  Tony G4UZN/HS0ZGH (both in Leeds).

  Colin wrote:
  > Before this discussion gets out of hand let's look at the 
  > actual position -
  > Martii has an amateur licence and station in the Azores. 
  > For the purposes of the radio regulations the callsign is 
  > allocated to the location of the transmitting equipment to 
  > assist where problems of harmful interference might arise. 
  > Where the operator is located is irrelevant.
  > As far as DXCC is concerned, and let's face it DXCC is not 
  > the end all or be all of amateur radio, rule 9 states -
  > All stations must be contacted from the same DXCC entity. 
  > The location of any station shall be defined as the location 
  > of the transmitter. *For the purposes of this award*, remote 
  > operating points must be located within the same DXCC entity 
  > as the transmitter and receiver.
  > Now if he was operating as OH2BH and using the station 
  > located in the Azores then there would be cause for concern.
  > Let's face it, remote operation in other field of radio 
  > communications has been going on for decades. The amateur 
  > service is just playing catch up.
  > 73
  > Colin, G3PSM
  > /

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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