[UK-CONTEST] Remote operating

Dez Watson dez.zc4dw at virgin.net
Fri Sep 10 05:21:15 PDT 2010

  Been following this lively debate and not sure where I 
stand on the issue yet but do see parallels...

Turning the clock back a few decades, when repeaters first 
came on the scene and until present day,
most, if not all, contests have said QSOs made via a 
repeater are not valid, and the same applies
for DXCC and lots of other awards. There are good reasons 
for this.

In the course of everyday operating, I do not feel 'cheated' 
for having a QSO through a repeater;
I accept that my QSO partner maybe located somewhere else 
and my signal is being received at
the repeater, likewise I hear the return signal courtesy of 
the repeater. We have made a QSO but it
is probably not valid in a contest or for an award.

Allowing remotely conducted QSOs during contests is a grey 
area to say the least!


Dez, G3WW

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