[UK-CONTEST] Bob G3PJT is stuck in Kuala Lumpur

Roger G3SXW g3sxw at btinternet.com
Sat Sep 25 03:55:16 PDT 2010

Bob knows his e-mail has been hacked and is actioning it today.
73 de Roger/G3SXW.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: uk-contest at contesting.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 11:49 AM
  Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Bob G3PJT is stuck in Kuala Lumpur

  Bob is stuck in Kuala Lumpur.  I hope he received all the money I send him!
  73 David G4ASR

  Sad News!!!

  From: Bob Whelan <g3pjt at btinternet.com>  

  I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,my fam and I came down here to Kuala 
  Lumpur,Malaysia for a short vacation unfortunately we were mugged at the park of 
  the hotel where we stayed,all cash,credit card and cell were stolen off us but 
  luckily for us we still have our passports with us.
  We've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at 
  all and our flight leaves in less than 3hrs from now but the hotel manager won't 
  let us leave until we settle the bills.
  Am freaked out at the moment..  
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