John Wilson jfwilson at iee.org
Fri Apr 1 05:46:22 PDT 2011

Oops - I should have done a bit more research before hitting send.  I 
new that SDV is available but did not realise that SD also seems to run 
in a DOS window - not that this is necessarily a problem.

G0AFH also suggested Win-Test which I also need to look at further.  
 From a quick glance, it seems to support Grid square multipliers, does 
anybody happen to know if this will support contests such as the May 144 
MHz contest which has a multiplier of postcodes + countries or the 70 cm 
low power where the multiplier is countries + postcodes + locator squares?

73 John G3UUT

On 01/04/2011 13:18, Dave Sergeant wrote:
> On 1 Apr 2011 at 13:10, John G3UUT wrote:
>> How about a VHF version of SD?  There's a distinct lack of good, Windows
>> VHF loggers - in fact our contest group are still using the G0GJV DOS
>> program.  MINOS is ok but you can't adjust the font size and in the
>> thick of a contest our ageing operators can't read it quickly enough
> SDV has been available fromhttp://ei5di.com/  for YEARS....
> I am sure Mike G0GDV will respond, but I don't think anybody else has
> ever commented about font sizes in Minos. Certainly big enough for my
> ageing eyes.
> 73 Dave G3YMC
> http://www.davesergeant.com
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