[UK-CONTEST] Planning Trauma

Chris G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Tue Apr 12 13:29:22 PDT 2011

One of the aspects that have helped here is involvement and earning respect with the local community. I suspect part of Nick's problems is that even 
though he is a nice guy he is seen as an outsider doing things the local residents aren't happy about.

Over the last five to ten years I have been closely involved with our award winning Neighbour Watch group and with close contact with local police, 
with crime at an all time low now, (1 or 2 incidents a month.) In addition I have been involved with a group concerned about traffic issues in the 
village and have been instrumental in reducing HGC traffic and the introduction of 30mph and 40mph limits which have reduced accidents to nil. I have 
just been asked to attend a planning dept meeting regarding a local HGV company issue!

None of my masts and antennas have planning permission and I am on excellent terms with all local residents.

Chris G3SJJ

On 12/04/2011 20:55, Chris Parnell wrote:
> I had an on going battle with 2 neighbours that went on for nearly 10 years, and experienced a letter of some description nearly every week over that period.
> I won in the end because I was persistent and determined.
> My 2 "friendly neighbours" also went around with a petition and "coerced" over 60 villagers to sign their petition which did not even say what they were objecting to.
> This petition was sent to the council, the DTI (as then), the police and "other interested parties.----when I did a counter survey/petition it transpired that most people didn't sign on planning grounds or interference grounds but for all sort of reasons, even to just get rid of the original petitioners.
> Make sure you get all your facts correct, at the full planning meeting you should be allowed 2 or 3 minutes to state you case--get prepared beforehand--.
> I hadn't made any overtures to any councillor beforehand but several got up and spoke in favour of Radio Hams and the great service they provided in times of war&  disaster.
> If you have a raynet or emergency planning dept get known or join up and of course state that "in times of an emergency" your station will be at the disposal of the local emergency services.
> Good luck  Chris G0HFX

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 08:44:15 +0000
> From: Nick Totterdell<ntotterdell at riverauto.co.uk>
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Planning Traumas in Lincolnshire - last week of
> consultation
> To: "uk-contest at contesting.com"<uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> It is quite amazing how much opposition can be drummed up by only two neighbours. It's now 47 Against and 45 For - 43 of the 47 against are a duplicated sheet that has been taken from door to door in the entire village. Most of the villagers are as unlikely to see these aerials as you are.
> The majority of the immediate neighbours are not opposed and I have a good relationship with them but two have been opposed from the minute we bought the house and they started this planning process by writing to the council to complain almost before we had had a chance to introduce ourselves.
> The consultation period has been extended and this is supposed to be the final week. This is likely to come before the full council planning meeting in June. By then many of the councillors will be newly elected so what effect that will have is uncertain. In my previous experience the "window" for comments is left open for an extended period. Many thanks to everyone who has made a comment to date - it really is appreciated. If you haven't done this then please consider doing so today - just a single sentence of support would help.
> See http://www.theddlethorpe.org.uk/planning.htm - you can read all the comments to date on the East Lindsey website by following the links.
> Many thanks Nick G4FAL

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