Richard Cooper G4WFR contesting at harwich.org.uk
Tue Apr 12 14:20:30 PDT 2011

After receiving feedback from entrants, a survey was sent to all this 
years participants of the SHF UKAC’s with respect to extending the 
contests from 2 to 2.5 hours to be inline with the other UKAC’s. 77% of 
entrants that replied are in favour of extending the contests from the 
April session.

So, I would like to announce that as from 26^th April 2011, the RSGB SHF 
UKAC’s will run from 2000 to 2230 local time.

Many thanks to all entrants & active stations & I look forward to 
receiving your logs in the near future.

If any further details are required, you can either check the RSGBCC 
website at www.rsgbcc.org <http://www.rsgbcc.org> or email me direct at 
g4wfr at rsgbcc.org <mailto:g4wfr at rsgbcc.org>

Good luck & 73,

Richard G4WFR
RSGB Contest Committee

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