[UK-CONTEST] Aerial Planning Applications

Ken Eastty ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 14 00:39:41 PDT 2011

I've added my support to Nicks application however as I've commented to 
him I wouldn't (& didn't) go about it in the way that he has. I think 
that keeping the application low key is a better plan.
My planning permission is simply for "amateur radio aerials"
I certainly wouldn't dedicate a web site to the application or put ideas 
about "Health fears related to mobile phone masts" into people's minds.
I've not read RSGB's recent advice on antenna planning applications
but no doubt they are worth following. I've supported several 
applications for planning permission recently all of which have been 
succesful so it seems that all may not be lost.




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