[UK-CONTEST] old DX News Sheets - Geoff Watts era

geoff plucknett geoffg4fka at virginmedia.com
Tue Apr 19 09:58:08 PDT 2011

Speaking of old documents, a few of us were looking fondly at some old C&G
RAE papers the other night. So, does anyone happen to have a copy of the
December 1972 paper?

Geoff G4FKA

On 19 April 2011 15:31, Steve GW4BKG <gw4bkg at btinternet.com> wrote:

> Apologies for this being slightly off topic & to those who have already
> seen my request on other mailing lists/reflectors.
> For use with the ClubLog project (www.clublog.org) we are trying to locate
> some of the very early copies of the DX News Sheet
> which was established by the late Geoff Watts, a well known SWL,back in the
> 1960s.
> I have tried a number of individuals/organizations but so far no luck.
> If anyone has any of these tucked away or can suggest a possible source I
> would be most grateful if they could let me know.
> Many thanks.
> Steve
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