dave daveg3tbk at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 4 03:13:59 PDT 2011


I have noticed the "one out" serials several times, but also I have 
found that almost as often the one out is in the "tens" column rather 
than the "unit".
Since it has happened just as frequently on SSB as on CW I conclude that 
the main problem is my typing! Likewise I find that "errors" in call 
sign often involve an adjacent keyboard character.

However in the SSB UBN just received I am surprised to see an invalid 
RS. Apparently the correct Sent RS was "50" which I find difficult to 
believe.  The associated serial number was received correctly. The 
originating station was M0GQB. I had logged "59". Unless he was out to 
wind us up!

These UBNs are really useful, I am double-checking my typing now.

Dave G3TBK

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