[UK-CONTEST] Typing skills and contesting

Steve GW4BLE steve.gw4ble at btconnect.com
Tue Aug 16 02:21:20 PDT 2011

Ditto here : just treat it like having an orderly pile-up


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On 16 Aug 2011, at 09:21, Andy Cook G4PIQ <g4piq at btinternet.com> wrote:

> Clive asked about how SSB ops cope with QTCs if they're not a touch typist. I'm not a touch typist though through 30 years of spending a lot of time in front of a keyboard I'm a fairly quick hunt and pecker but I do look at the keyboard much of the time. QTCs on SSB at full speed are not a problem...
> 73
> Andy G4PIQ

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