[UK-CONTEST] More Keyboard-Paddle confusion , Russian Dx UBM March 2012

John G3LZQ johndunnington at johndunnington.karoo.co.uk
Tue Aug 16 11:39:17 PDT 2011

Hello all

I have just received my UBN and it rings familiar bells..
Running N1MM all S&P with 100% keyboard

My 062 read as 061
My 144 read as 244
My 131 read as 130

Put boot on t'other foot
I type 006 correct # 060
I type 036 correct #063
I type OM55 correct OM5
I type E73M instead of E73W

Of course I did not lose points for errors reading my #'s but did
for my own stupid mistakes. Probably didn't read what I had typed.

Often find left hand can't wait until right hand has finished but
there again a self taught 6-or-7 finger typist with 20+ years
experience so no excuses I have slapped fingers with 12" wooden

Don't forget something similar happens again this coming weekend
with the other Russian DX Contest..Russian District Award Contest,


John G3LZQ

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