[UK-CONTEST] Guying a "lugless" Versatower?

Clive GM3POI gm3poi2 at btinternet.com
Sat Aug 27 02:56:52 PDT 2011

I have to disagree Steve, As standard yes but I have a tower 
that has lugs welded on all sections by Strumech.
	The only consideration is any increase in downward 
pressure on the crank up cable plus the static top rope.
The crank up cable is usually "saved" by the flapper plate 
Unless you have my large Strumech tower. 
	So the bottom line is beef up the top rope to take any 
downward forces created by the wind. head loading would also 
have to be a consideration. BTW my crank up cable is 11mm 
dia. 73 Clive GM3POI 

On 27 Aug 2011 at 9:19, Steve GW4BLE wrote:

> They are not there for a reason Ian - crank up towers are not
> supposed to
> have permanent guys attached.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Ian White
> Sent: 27 August 2011 08:02
> To: uk-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Guying a "lugless" Versatower?
> This is usually the best place to ask about Versatowers, so...
> What is the best way to attach permanent guys to the middle and
> lower 
> sections of a  Versatower that doesn't already have the welded-on
> guying 
> lugs?
> (Real-life experience only, please.)
> -- 
> 73 from Ian GM3SEK
> http://www.ifwtech.co.uk/g3sek
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