Rob Harrison robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Dec 13 07:18:08 PST 2011


Firstly someone was asking about cluster use and which section to enter. If you use any spotting network you should enter Multi-op, see 3.2 in http://www.arrl.org/10-meter

Ok, so this was my first ever HF contest, with almost 39 years on VHF/UHF. I've always been interested in 10M, but initially couldn't get on HF as a "B" class licensee, morse was not a strong point and still isn't. Then when the rules changed and 10M was in the doldrums.

Set up FT-847 100W, low fixed dipole roughly beaming E-W, feed point at about 8ft. I've been on the band about 2 weeks and made a few contacts each day, so was looking forward to the contest.

I'll echo GW4EVX's comments re operating and manners, I suppose with such a wide band to use overcrowding problems weren't such a concern.

All contacts were S&P, but was looking for new DXC and States and calling those I thought may hear my small signal. Judging by Ron's comments I should have tried calling more of them, hi!

Both mornings were swamped by UA & UR big signals, but worked HS0, A65, afternoon saw HI3, OD, LW6, ZX2, CW5, ZP5 and a few of the Eastern US states, last contact was at 16:31z.

Sunday morning brought B7, HS0, EK6, afternoon CO8, D4, NX5M in TX, W9NY in IN, PU2, N0MA in IA, and last contact KP2 at 17:18z.

Obviously you can hear more than you can work, but even with this puny antenna I heard VK4, XV, BN7, TR8, HK1, TG9, VR2ZQZ/p, AU2, plus lots of Europeans with LP echo on the transmission.

 Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty
    28      83     166   58
 Total      83     166   58

Score: 9,628

(34 DXC, 22 States & 2 Canadian Provinces)

Don't expect to find me on any of the other HF bands however, 10M is good enough for now. It's back to 432 UKAC tonight.



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