[UK-CONTEST] Fwd: Re: RSGB Contests 2012

g3ory at lineone.net g3ory at lineone.net
Wed Dec 14 11:21:55 PST 2011


Go to

where there is a complete 
list of the Societies affiliated to the RSGB.

I do agree with you 
about the distance limit although I must stress that it makes no 
difference to my Club, so I can take a view devoid of self interest.

73 Bob

>----Original Message----
>From: daveg3tbk at googlemail.com

>Date: 14/12/2011 16:28 
>To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
>Subj: [UK-
CONTEST] Fwd: Re:  RSGB Contests 2012
>-------- Original Message 
>Subject: 	Re: [UK-CONTEST] RSGB Contests 2012
>Date: 	Wed, 14 
Dec 2011 16:13:52 +0000
>From: 	dave <daveg3tbk at gmail.com>
g3ory at lineone.net <g3ory at lineone.net>
>True enough. So 
they just need to inform us which Clubs are Affiliated.
>Certainly not 
all of those on the drop-down list on the log submission site.
wonder why we couldn't have the same radial distance limit as for AFS

>Contests? Some of us will be forced to change or split our 
>I would have thought harmonisation of Rules would have 
been something to
>strive for.
>73 Dave G3TBK
14/12/2011 15:43, g3ory at lineone.net wrote:
>>  Dave,
>>  It is very 
easy for the RSGB to see which Clubs on the
>>  Affiliated Societies 
list still exist. They just have to check to see
>>  which Clubs have 
paid their subs to the RSGB!
>>  73 Bob
>>  G3ORY
>>>  ----
Original Message----
>>>  From: daveg3tbk at googlemail.com
>>>  Date: 
>>  15:39
>>>  To:<uk-contest at contesting.com>
>>>  Subj: [UK-
>>  Contests 2012
>>>  In view of the revised Rules for 
the Club
>>  Championship, could the HFCC
>>>  publish a list of 
Affiliated Societies,
>>  and do they have any idea if
>>>  Clubs on 
their list still exist?
>>>  What
>>  happens if the nearest Clubs 
a) don't enter Contests and b) have
>>>  restricted Membership, eg 
RAFARS branches?
>>>  Dave G3TBK
>>>  (more than
>>  35km from the 
real Town Club of which I have been a Member
>>>  for many
>>  years)

>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>  UK-Contest

>>  mailing list
>>>  UK-Contest at contesting.com
>>>  http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/uk-contest>>>

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