[UK-CONTEST] 11m fibre glass poles

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Mon Dec 19 07:57:32 PST 2011

Kerr, Prof.  K.M. wrote:
>Hi all,
>Hope this is not deemed too 'off topic'.
>The recent storms up here completely destroyed my 80m vertical and the 
>40m 4-square supported by this vertical.
>I plan to replace the 4-sq with fibreglass pole verticals.
>A couple of years ago I sourced some ??Lineaffe?? 11m poles from 
>Kiteworks in the West Midlands. These guys seem to have gone out of 
>business and I cannot see any immediate source of 11m poles at a 
>sensible price!
>If anyone has a good source of 11m fibreglass fishing poles, I would 
>greatly appreciate hearing about it.

Possibly Sandpiper, as they understand the need to avoid carbon fibre 
content and can supply a matched set (neither of which can be guaranteed 
from non-radio suppliers).

My 40m 4sq uses nominal "10m" poles which are shorter than a 
quarter-wave on 40m. The resonant length was reduced a little by the 
insulated wire taped to the pole, but the bottoms of the poles still 
needed to be raised a couple of feet above ground.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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