[UK-CONTEST] 432MHz Jan Results

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Feb 4 06:30:38 PST 2011

--- On Fri, 4/2/11, Andy Cunningham <andyc at cunningham.me.uk> wrote:

> All credit to them.  The UKAC is supposed to be about ACTIVITY, and if they can stimulate this level of activity then frankly they deserve to win.

From what I read in Radcom, they also have an internal club award scheme based upon member participation within the UKAC's which is an excellent idea.

Whilst I agree with a previous comment that primary interest is mainly concerned with individual results, a lot do appear to enjoy the club table but getting dwarfed each month by one club could be counter-productive.

I believe Bolton's internal challenge would suffer no change and may even note an improvement should the CC consider introducing a team element of perhaps 5 or 6 maximum. Then we would see a more interesting situation of the elite of every competing club in the UK doing battle each month.
Whilst this would give smaller radio clubs a chance to compete on a more level playing field, it has the added benefit for competition within bigger radio clubs that can produce 2, 3, 4 or even 5 teams with a regular club member goal of making team "A" etc.

Such a change may have a small impact on the production time of results but in comparison to us already knowing which club will win the 2011 challenge after only one month, I think most operators would live with that.

73 Ray GM4CXM
Member - West of Scotland ARS


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