[UK-CONTEST] Re the 80m CC's

cris at gm4fam.plus.com cris at gm4fam.plus.com
Thu Feb 17 12:45:32 PST 2011

Apologies to anyone I might have QRMd trying to get TJ9PF on 80 rtty last
nite - I did try and stick to one calling frequency but the RTTY portion
of the band resembled CQWW RTTY at its busiest ):

Thankfully I got through after only a few calls but the pileup must have
been challenging for CC contesters later on when it was full of loud EU
callers trying to get that elusive DX contact.

73 Cris

> Hi all,
> Well, I was amazed to see anyone being able to work anything.
> And no, I wasn't participating in the CC's, but watching for TJ9PF, who
> was
> on 3584 give or take a bit, and working UP.
> I could hear a few G's working the CC, but very few were getting replies,
> and I also noticed quite a few PA/ON/F stations trying to work the TJ.
> One was very loud, but was calling on a frequency used by a G4, who was
> clearly wondering why he was only sending his call, and not replying to
> the
> contest exchange!
> TJ9PF was also on 40m, and I saw Cris GM4FAM and GM0UDL get through, but I
> failed. Still, I did get them on 20m last evening.
> 73 de Phil GU0SUP
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