Alex GM3ZBE alex at gm3zbe.plus.com
Tue Feb 22 04:37:29 PST 2011

I think the most important question you should ask yourself at the end 
of each contest, whether your the black, driven, obsessive type or 
someone who just looks for self improvement is - Did I actually ENJOY 
the contest I have just completed?  After all isn't that what it is 
supposed to be about? ;-)

I've seen more than one marriage/family destroyed by obsessive hobby 
participation e.g. golf and Amateur radio!

On 22/02/2011 10:36, Stewart Rolfe wrote:
> Gordon,
> To my mind contesters fit into 2 groups:
> 1/ Those that strive to do better each time within whatever constraints imposed on them. Achieve this by improving both skills and hardware/antennas, and by 'watch and learn' from group<2>
> 2/ Those that have reached the top and fight to stay there
> I'm firmly in the former. Last year I did SB20 in ARRL DX with my normal doublet; enjoyable but got battered by signals and key clicks from the east. Did the same this year but invested in a vertical Moxon for some directivity. Knocked back some of the Eu qrm and clearly boosted NA; I ended up with 20% more Qs despite a rubbish Sunday. The investment cost me all of £15 but a few hours modelling, trimming and testing, isn't this what it's all about?
> If your attitude prevailed Crawley Town wouldn't want to play football week in week out because they can't hope to play in Europe. They would have expected to be beaten by ManU at the weekend but do doubt relished the chance to 'watch and learn'. Their next fixture is Southport.....(which no doubt they'll be doing their very best to win)
> 73,
> Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF
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73 Alex, GM3ZBE ~~~ Kingdom of Fife ~~~ IO86lf ~
Member of:
De Montfort University ARS,
Kingdom Amateur Radio Society (KARS)
GMDX Group, CDXC, Aberdeen ARS
Previous callsigns GM8BYG, G3ZBE
Holder of GM4BRN club call http://www.kars.org.uk/

Remember..............It's only a hobby!
When the going get's tough..........take a nap!!

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